Pledge to Clients: As the owners of Rocky Mountain Real Estate Dolly and I pledge to all of our customers/clients to make their selling and buying experiance one which will be professional and ethical, helping you to conclude a satisfactory transaction in all aspects. We will endeavor to have all of our agents treat everyone by the “Golden Rule”, and established professional business practices.
Professional Experience: For 10 years Mack taught school in a little school district outside of Austin, Texas– Dripping springs ISD. Being a teacher was an enjoyable and fulfilling experience, however after ten years “greener pastures” called. The allure of being self employed just sounded too good, and so we entered the small town grocery store business. That operation was going so good we bought a hardware store. The building was downtown Dripping Springs and Mack’s grandfather, W.P. Crow, had ran the store from the 30’s to the 50’s, and so it was almost de ja vu. We added a lumber yard and were rocking and rolling. Dripping Springs was a “dry” community and just north of Dripping Springs we opened a small convience store near the Hamilton Pool area known as Crow’s contry corner. At that time our small community had a small newspaper, but we felt our area needed a different point of view, so we started a newspaper, The Springer, and we did have fun with it. Not like we did not have enough to do we also had a ranch. So between ranching and having our businesses we were quite “busy”. Having been born and raised in central Texas, and not enjoying heat and humidity, we decided that New Mexico was the place to be, and so it was. We sold out, moved to Maes, NM, east of Las Vegas about 35 miles and proceeded to ranch. After ranching for some years, we decided to go into the Real Estate and Insurance business. We have been so employed at the present time.
Education: Mack: Travis High school, Austin Texas
College- Sul Ross State, South
west Texas
Dolly: Dripping Springs High School
and so many Real Estate and Insurance classes that we can’t see straight!
Outside Interests: Mack has been District Commissioner for Boy Scouts, Encantado District. Mack and Dolly were on the advisory board of the Salvation Army for six years. Mack is a dual member of Rambo Lodge in Dripping Springs and Chapman Lodge in Las Vegas AF&AM, and Dolly was a member of the Las Vegas Eastern star in Las Vegas. Mack is a member of the local Crimestoppers in Las Vegas, and we both belong to the NAR and the Las Vegas Board of REALTORS®. Mack is a member of the Rotary Club of Raton, NM. We are members of the Las Vegas and Raton Chamber of Commerce.
Personal Information: Together we have five children and eight grandchildren. We have been in the “People” business for so long that i’m not sure we know anything else. It is our pleasure to see people live the “American Dream”. We know that we can’t “get all the coons up one tree” all the time, so we have to adapt, and just do the best we can. We will always be honest, frank,and straight foward. When in the newspaper business we had a column, “From the Crow’s Nest”, and always closed the column by saying–“Keep your nose clean and your butt in the saddle”. Well, I think that is a good way to live your life, and Dolly and I will try to do so untill we are called to “greener pastures”.